2001 Afternoon Nap
Quote: $100.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Not numbered without certificate |
1978 Afternoon Stroll
Issue price: $32.50 Quote: $20.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-2.7 Not numbered with unknown certificate Last activity on 02-06-2013 |
Always Close
Quote: $25.00 Limit: 14 firing days Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbered with unknown certificate Last activity on 09-11-2012 |
1988 Angel Duet
Quote: $334.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate Last activity on 12-10-2019 |
1971 Angel in a Christmas Setting
Issue price: $15.00 Quote: $40.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-1.1 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 03-24-2014 |
1972 Angel with Flute
Issue price: $15.00 Quote: $22.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-1.2 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 11-01-2020 |
1990 Angel's Light
Issue price: $53.00 Quote: $30.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-1.20 Not numbered with certificate Last activity on 05-20-2014 |
1987 Angelic Gifts
Issue price: $47.50 Quote: $29.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-1.17 Not numbered with certificate Last activity on 04-03-2018 |
1983 Angelic Messenger
Issue price: $45.00 Quote: $32.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-1.13 Not numbered with certificate Last activity on 08-29-2012 |
1989 Angelic Musician
Issue price: $53.00 Quote: $39.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-1.19 Not numbered with certificate Last activity on 08-29-2012 |
1982 Angelic Procession
Issue price: $45.00 Quote: $29.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-1.12 Not numbered with certificate Last activity on 09-07-2015 |
1977 Apple Tree Boy
Issue price: $50.00 Quote: $66.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-G54-1.7 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 12-09-2018 |
1997 Apple Tree Boy
Quote: $27.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 84-B10-963.1 Numbering unknown with unknown certificate Last activity on 07-28-2014 |
1991 Apple Tree Boy and Girl
Quote: $27.00 Limit: 14 firing days Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbered with certificate Last activity on 10-12-2022 |
1976 Apple Tree Girl
Issue price: $50.00 Quote: $63.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-G54-1.6 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 12-09-2018 |
1997 Apple Tree Girl
Quote: $26.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 84-B10-963.2 Numbering unknown with unknown certificate Last activity on 07-28-2014 |
1999 April
Quote: $30.00 Limit: 95 firing days Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 84-H80-10.4 Numbered with certificate Last activity on 05-18-2013 |
1985 Auf Wiedersehen
Issue price: $225.00 Quote: $150.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-G54-3.3 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 01-30-2012 |
1999 August
Quote: $30.00 Limit: 95 firing days Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 84-H80-10.8 Numbered with certificate Last activity on 05-18-2013 |
1999 Autumn Glory
Quote: $100.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Not numbered with certificate Last activity on 12-04-2012 |
1994 Autumn Outings
Quote: $30.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbered with certificate Last activity on 07-14-2012 |
1994 Back to School
Quote: $30.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbered with certificate Last activity on 07-14-2012 |
1987 Band Leader
Quote: $30.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-G54-13.4 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 04-21-2012 |
1991 Budding Scholars
Quote: $40.00 Limit: 14 firing days Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbered with certificate Last activity on 08-28-2022 |
2002 Bumblebee Friend
Quote: $113.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Not numbered without certificate |
1974 Bumblebee, The
Issue price: $18.50 Quote: $18.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-2.3 Not numbered with unknown certificate Last activity on 11-09-2018 |
1988 Call to Worship
Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate |
1988 Call to Worship
Quote: $48.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate |
1994 Carefree Days
Quote: $30.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbered with certificate Last activity on 07-14-2012 |
1987 Celestial Musician
Issue price: $35.00 Limit: 20,000 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate |
1986 Chapel Time
Quote: $48.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate |
1986 Chapel Time
Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate |
1988 Cheerful Cherubs
Issue price: $52.50 Quote: $75.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-1.18 Not numbered with certificate Last activity on 08-29-2012 |
1979 Cherub's Gift
Issue price: $38.00 Quote: $21.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-2.8 Not numbered with unknown certificate Last activity on 02-26-2013 |
1985 Chick Girl
Issue price: $110.00 Quote: $55.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-G54-1.15 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 12-09-2018 |
1991 Chicken Licken
Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-G54-21.4 Numbering unknown with unknown certificate |
1975 Christmas Child
Issue price: $25.00 Quote: $24.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-1.5 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 11-01-2020 |
1996 Christmas Song
Issue price: $130.00 Quote: $98.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate |
1991 Cinderella
Quote: $40.00 Limit: 25 firing days Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbered with certificate |
1991 Come Back Soon
Quote: $40.00 Limit: 14 firing days Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbered with certificate Last activity on 08-28-2022 |
1995 Come Back Soon
Issue price: $250.00 Quote: $134.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-G54-1.25 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 09-28-2016 |
1991 Country Crossroads
Quote: $38.00 Limit: 14 firing days Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbered with certificate Last activity on 01-31-2022 |
1988 Daisies Don't Tell
Issue price: $115.00 Quote: $100.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate Last activity on 01-30-2012 |
1999 December
Quote: $25.00 Limit: 95 firing days Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 84-H80-10.12 Numbered with certificate Last activity on 11-24-2021 |
1976 Devotion for Mother
Issue price: $27.50 Quote: $19.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-S12-2.5 Not numbered with unknown certificate Last activity on 12-09-2020 |
1994 Doctor
Issue price: $225.00 Quote: $156.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-G54-1.24 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 01-30-2012 |
1993 Doll Bath
Issue price: $210.00 Quote: $130.00 Limit: Year of issue Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Bradex: 22-G54-1.23 Not numbered without certificate Last activity on 09-28-2016 |
1998 Echoes of Joy
Issue price: $145.00 Quote: $145.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate |
1999 Fan Fare
Quote: $48.00 Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate |
1999 Fanfare
Hummel, Berta (Sister Maria Innocentia) Numbering unknown with unknown certificate |